Posted by: faithtravelfocus | April 27, 2011

It’s Just Another Westminster Royal Wedding

Wedding Souvenirs in London

When Wills and Kate say their vows Friday inside Westminster Abbey, they will add just another notch of church history that’s been accumulating under that roof for over 1,000 years.

Weddings, coronations, and burials of the famous and infamous have happened insideWestminster, and to be inside of it challenges the senses. It is truly a grand interior and one of Christendom’s most important houses of worship and ceremony.

England has loads of Christian heritage sites and stories, and many faith travelers join groups to tour the connections to the church’s centuries. But there’s another way to go that can be even more rewarding because it can be more spontaneous and tailored to your personal interests and preferences. Hire your own driver and guide. Individuals and small groups of six or seven people really have no better alternative.

In Britain, you can put your confidence in licensed Blue Badge guides who are the best in the business. I speak from personal experiences. These folks have extensive knowledge of heritage and culture, and they are fun and interesting to follow. And they accommodate you with tours from their own vehicles, your hired vehicle, or on foot, whatever fills your bill.

According to veteran planners of European travel with a faith focus – Frank and Rowena Drinkhouse of Christian World Travel and Reformation Tours – Michael Robinson can put together a half or full day tour of England’s Christian sites in and out of London.

“He can dovetail visits into your existing itinerary or create one especially for you, complete with a Sunday service to suit!” say the Drinkhouses.

London is filled with cathedrals and churches have religious significance to not only Britain but all Christendom. At the Tower of London, for example, he acquaints his guests about the imprisonment and martyrdom of Christians like Sir Thomas More. Westminster Abbey and St. Paul’s Cathedral would certainly be on a Christian tour of London, as would Wesley’s first churchof Methodismand the new SalvationArmyMuseum. And there’s more outside London in stops like Canterbury, Oxfordand Hampton Court- Henry VIII’s grand home from which he dissolved monasteries and proclaimed himself head of the church in the 16th century.

“There are also opportunities to explore the original non-conformists in England that led to the development of, for example, Puritanism and Methodism whose outreach programs were instrumental in bringing Christianity to theUnited States of America,” says Drinkhouse.

For more on Michael Robinson, visit his website, and for more on the Christian tours offered by the Drinkhouse companies, visit here.

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